Rules & Guidelines


 1 - Acceptance of Rules
By signing the Flathead Faerie Festival application form, the applicant agrees to abide by all FFF Rules. Non-compliance may mean removal from a show and may jeopardize admittance to future festivals. FFF reserves the right to ask any vendor to leave FFF-hosted events, at any time, if they are found to be in violation of any written rules, regulations or code of conduct. 

2 - Festival Applications and Fees
The Festival booth fee amount will be determined by the Show Committee prior to the publishing of the Festival application. Fee amount may vary depending on advertising costs, host expense, number of available booth spaces, etc.

A - Application Form & Acceptance
Applications will not be considered complete until all required parts are returned to Show Committee, including but not limited to signed applications, booth fees, and product photos. FFF reserves the right to refuse any application based on available space, appropriateness of the items or non-conformity with jury criteria.

B - Application Deadlines
Exact application deadlines will be set each year by the Show Committee prior to publishing the show application form. In general, applications for the Summer Show may be due on or around the third Wednesday of May.

C - Current Booth Fees
12x12 Single Booth – $125.00
12x12 Double Booth - $200.00
12x12 Single Corner Endcap Booth – $175.00
12x24 – Double Corner Endcap Booth - $250.00

D - Late Fee
Applications received after the DUE DATE will have a $25.00 late fee – no exceptions. Late applications may be placed on a wait list. Booth assignment priority will go to applications received on or before the deadline. (revised 7/1/19)

E - Refund
Vendor applicants will receive a refund of their booth fee if they cancel their registration at least 30 days before the show and their booth space is able to be filled with another Vendor. Refund and cancellation requests after 30 days will be considered only in cases of serious family emergency, illness or death. The Show Committee must be notified as soon as possible if such an emergency arises. To be eligible for a refund, you must complete the written request form and submit it to the Board of Directors for their review. Applicants who are not accepted into the Show either due to Jury Committee denial or lack of available booth space, will have their booth fee returned.

F - Illness During Event
If a vendor starts to feel any symptoms of illness the evening before, DURING THE FESTIVAL or in an evening between show days:
· Vendors MUST contact the FFF Show Committee ASAP upon feeling sick and needing to go home or stay home.
· Vendors can send a proxy or assistant to watch booths during the “open” hours of the event. Proxies or assistants MUST be from a different household as the vendor who is feeling ill. Proxies or assistants are welcome to stay for the remainder of the event to facilitate sale of the vendor’s items.
· Vendors can make arrangements for an assistant or proxy to come pack up the booth during “closed” hours of the event. No packing up or tearing down of booths will be permitted during show “open” hours.
· Unattended booths can be covered until the end of the event if arrangements for an early teardown during “closed” hours is not possible.

3 - Booth Assignments
Booth space at the FFF Shows will be assigned by the Show Committee. Vendors may make special requests and the Show Committee will try to accommodate these requests, as circumstances allow.

A - Multiple Booths
Any applying vendor may request multiple booths. Assignment of multiple booths to a single vendor will be on a space-available basis at the discretion of the Show Committee.

B - Shared Single Booth
Any applying vendor may elect to share a single booth space with 1 other applying vendor. Both vendors must complete their own Show application and submit their items for jurying. Each vendor will pay half of the booth rate. Should additional discounts apply to either or both vendors, each vendor will pay half the booth rate minus their own applied discount.

C - Joint Double Booths
Any applying vendor may request to have their single booth joined together with 1 other applying vendor’s single booth to form a “double booth”. These requests will be reviewed by the Show Committee and may be permitted as space allows. Both vendors must complete their own Show application and submit their items for jurying. Each vendor will pay their own single booth rate separately. Should additional discounts apply to either or both vendors, each vendor will pay their own single booth rate minus their own applied discount.

D - Booth Assist / Special Needs
In special circumstances Vendors may request to “assist” other Vendors, by sharing a portion of their booth space with them, even if the Vendor in need of assistance will not be able to attend the Show. Circumstances where this could be considered may include, but are not limited to, financial issues or medical issues. This situation will only be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Show Committee and FFF Board, who will determine if accommodations can or should be made and must be brought to FFF’s attention in advance of the application deadline.

4 - Jury Criteria
All products to be sold or displayed at FFF Shows must be approved by at least 3 members of the Show Committee or Board of Directors. FFF reserves the right to exclude any applicant, whether member or non, due to lack of adherence to the below criteria. FFF further reserves the right to exclude any applicant from its show due to lack of space, or due to high volume of the same art/craft medium.

1. No commercially produced items will be accepted.i.e. DoTerra, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Yankee Candles, LuLaRoe, etc.
2. Photographers: FFF acknowledges that your product is your image. The choice of item your image is printed on is yours to make. However, all images must be your own.
3. Bath & Body or Cosmetics Products: You must be in compliance with all applicable labeling laws and regulations, including but not limited to 21 U.S.C. 321-392 and the FD&C Act. You must also provide FFF with proof of liability insurance with FFF listed as additional insured.
4. Pre-Packaged Food Products Vendors operating under a Food Manufacturing License or Retail Small Food License:

· Must provide FFF with a copy of their current license and kitchen rating and must display your kitchen rating in your booth during FFF-hosted events.
· Must provide FFF with a copy of product liability insurance with FFF listed as additional insured or certificate holder.
· Must comply with all food packaging and labeling requirements as per your license. Vendors operating under a Cottage Food License:
· Must provide FFF with a copy of their current cottage food license and must display your cottage food license in your booth during FFF-hosted events.
· Must provide FFF with a copy of product liability insurance with FFF listed as additional insured or certificate holder.
· Must comply with all food packaging and labeling requirements as per your license.

As a reminder, Cottage Food vendors are not permitted to give samples unless they are pre-packaged.

FFF will not accept any vendors who are operating under SB199 – Montana Local Food Choice Act (MLFCA).

5 - Show Hours

A - Set Up
Set up times will be listed on the welcome letters and show maps. Booths are to be completely set up before the first day of the show, at least 1 hour before the scheduled opening time. No display items or merchandise may be brought in before the scheduled set up times, unless otherwise authorized by the Show Committee.

B - Show Hours
Show hours are listed on the show maps. Vendors must be available in their booths at least 1 hour before show opening time on the first day of the show and at least 30 minutes before opening time on the other days of the show. Booths must be attended at all times and remain open during all show hours.

C - Teardown
No early teardowns will be permitted. In the event of a personal or family emergency, illness, inclement weather, or other legitimate reason, vendors MUST notify the Show Committee of their desire to leave or teardown early. Additionally, the Show Committee will notify all vendors of early show closures, if such an instance occurs.

6 - Booth and Display

A - Booth Design
Tables must have covers that come to within 2 inches of the floor on all sides. Booth areas must be kept well organized and free of litter. Supplies, coolers, storage tubs, boxes and other similar items are to be kept out of sight.
Only 2 people directly involved in selling may be in each booth.
Displays must be in stable condition to prevent accidents. Vendors are liable for booths and contents regardless of a potential accident’s cause. A customer does not pay for damage unless it was deliberate.

B - Indoor Shows
All items involved with an indoor booth display, including, but not limited to merchandise, tables, decorations, lights, vendor chairs, personal items, extra inventory, frames, etc., must be kept within your allotted booth boundary.

C - Products & Displays
Merchandise must be priced, and the price must be clearly visible to customers. No haggling or bargaining is permitted. If you’d like to offer a sale or discount, the sale must be consistent for all days of the event.
Placing sold items in a bag is encouraged.
Displays must be in stable condition for public safety reasons.
You are responsible to follow all applicable State and Federal Regulations for your product.
Vendors selling food products in compliance with the Montana DPHHS Cottage Food Program must provide the Show Committee with a copy of their license, proof of liability insurance and must maintain adequate labeling and packaging as per MCA 50-50-101 403.
Vendors selling cosmetic products must follow all pertinent labeling laws and regulations and provide Show Committee proof of liability insurance.

D - Children
No children are allowed in or around the booth unless they are of sufficient age (at least 14 years old) to participate as one of the two sellers.

7 - Insurance
FFF’s insurance covers liability for customer accidents during the show. It does NOT cover damages to your products. FFF recommends that each vendor consider purchasing their own product liability coverage. FFF’s offers liability insurance for customer accidents during the show. Please see the Liability Insurance link on our website. Vendors selling food products or cosmetics products must provide proof of liability insurance and have FFF listed as “additionally insured”.

8 - Smoking / Animals
There shall be NO smoking by any vendor within show boundaries. Animals are more than welcome to attend the FFF. We ask that all animals are well mannered, in control and on a leash. Any animal may be asked to leave the festival at any time. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS!

9 – FFF Raffle Prizes
FFF may choose to offer raffle prizes at the festival at any time. Festival prizes will consist of voluntary donations by participating vendors. This donation is non-tax deductible, and no receipt will be given for donations.

10 - Food Trucks
Food Trucks/Food Vendors are individually solicited by the Show Committee for the purpose of providing on-site food services. Food Trucks must submit a completed "Food Vendor Application". Food Truck vendor must also provide to FFF:
· Copy of current Flathead County Health Department “Retail Food Small” License
· Copy of current Flathead County Health Department inspected kitchen grade/rating
· Copy of Liability Insurance with FFF listed as additional insured or certificate holder.

11 - Dress Code
All vendors will dress appropriately for a family-friendly event or dress in theme of the event. Wearing of dirty clothing or inappropriate clothing logos will not be permitted.

12 - Security
Festival has hired the Sheriff’s Posse during non-show/non-setup hours as well as during the Festival. It is suggested that all merchandise be covered during non-show hours to discourage handling/theft.

13 - Parking
Vendors must provide license plate numbers, make, and color of vehicles. Immediately after unloading, vehicles must be moved to designated vendor parking areas on the parking map.

14 - Problems & Suggestions
It is expected that all vendors will be always courteous and thoughtful to the public and other vendors. Any problems, concerns or complaints arising during the show should be taken immediately to a Show Committee member. The Show Committee is continually open to suggestions and ideas. A suggestion form will be provided to all participants before closing of each show for your input.

15 - Amendments to Show Rules
Amendments to the Show Rules & Regulations can be done by a 2/3 majority vote of a quorum or at the discretion of the Show Committee.

2024 EXHIBITOR/VENDOR GUIDELINES AND AGREEMENT (you signed this when applying)

1. The Flathead Faerie Festival is an outdoor event hosted in an open field format. Vendors must provide their own complete set up including canopies, tables, chairs, water, generators, and/or gas (if approved by FFF). There are no water or electrical hookups available on site.

2. Vendors are responsible for securing all necessary permits. ALL FOOD & BEVERAGE VENDORS MUST SHOW PROOF OF COMPLIANCE AND APPROVAL FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 2024 FESTIVAL. Contact the Flathead Health Department for regulation information prior to submitting your application. 

3. All vendors/exhibitors will need the approval of the Flathead Faerie Festival to be designated a sanctioned vendor/exhibitor. The Flathead Faerie Festival reserves the right to approve or disapprove vendor participation.

4. Exhibitors/vendors will be allowed to place signs, banners, flags, etc. inside their area.

5. Vendor’s décor must be in keeping with the Faerie, Celtic, Pagan, Viking, Goddess, Norse, Gnomes, Fae, etc theme of the festival and is encouraged.

6. The Flathead Faerie Festival will assign vendor spaces within designated food or arts/crafts areas and reserve the right to reassign when necessary.

7. The Flathead Faerie Festival will provide trash removal throughout the event. Exhibitors/vendors will be expected to keep the areas around their booths clean and free of debris.

8. Exhibitors/vendors will be expected to have their booths completely set up at least 1 Hour prior to the start of the festival. You are expected to remain open until the close of the festival.

9. Exhibitors/vendors will be notified of drop-off for loading and unloading their wares as well as locations to park vehicles during the event.

10. Exhibitors/vendors will comply with all local, city and state rules and regulations.

11. The festival will take place rain or shine and all fees are non-refundable based on refund policy below.

12. No person or vendor will be permitted to distribute printed or advertising matter, solicit funds, or display merchandise other than that which is contracted.

13. Use of gongs, strobe lights or other noisy distracting paraphernalia is prohibited.

14. We welcome your pets. Please keep them within your booth space and under control. Please clean up after pets.

15. Refund Policy (refund requests must be received by email or USPS mail.)
Request before June 26, 2024 = Vendor will receive a refund of their booth fee, if they cancel their registration at least 30 days before the show and their booth space is able to be filled with another Vendor. FFF must be able to fill your spot for you to be eligible to receive a 100% refund.
Requests after July 1, 2024 = No Refund
No show = No refund and the vendor will not be invited back to future events. 

16. Sharp objects or weapons that do not meet our theme and the sale of those items that are not regulated by the vendor is prohibited.